Attach hair to your MakeAvatar(TM) model

How to upload and attach hair to your MakeAvatar™ model.

In this video I will show you the basic steps in downloading a hair model, preparing it in Blender, exporting it and attaching it to your MakeAvatar model. Please Subscribe as I will be adding more video on how to add content… Don’t forget to give me a thumbs-up if you liked the video. Any encouragement helps. Mind you… turn down your volume at the end…

NOTE: You will name the hair Avatar_Hair, the eyebrows Avatar_Eyebrows and eyelashes should be named as Avatar Eyelashes. Facial hair should be named Avatar_Facial_Hair. This is absolute and failing to name the hair assets properly will not allow you to import them.

We’re in the open…

Tags: Blender, Metaverse, Vircadia, HighFidelity, Hair

Model being used… CC0 from

Make sure you are using Blender 2.9+

  1. In the fist screen drag and drop the upcomb hair model into Blender or open it using the file menu.
  2. Ensure the Shading Tab is enabled
    Top + → General → Shading
  3. Click on the Default Tab and select the hair model
  4. Click on the Shading Tab
  5. Click Use Nodes. It will add the Principled BSDF Shader
  6. Click Add → Input → Texture Coordinate
  7. Click Add → Texture → Image Texture
  8. From the Texture Coordinate not connect the UV output to the Vector input on the Image Texture node.
  9. From the Image Texture node connect the Color output to the corresponding input on the Pincipled BSDF node.
  10. Click Open on the Image Texture node and select the hair texture.
  11. From the Principled BSDF node set all options to zero but “Roughnes” which you will set to 1.
  12. Open the male mannequin in another Blender 7.9 window
  13. Copy and paste the hair model from the one window to the mannequin window.
  14. Rename the hair model Avatar_Hair
  15. Select the wearable
  16. Shift select the rig
  17. Ctrl + P to Set parent → With Empty Groups
  18. Select Manniquin_Body
  19. Click on Object Data Properties
  20. Shift select wearable
  21. Enter Weight Paint Mode
  22. In the 3D view pane select Weights → Transfer Weights
  23. You will notice an option at the bottom left of your screen → Transfer Mesh Data
  24. Click the down arrow and change “Source Layers Selection” → By Name
  25. Select the entire model with hair and rigging.
  26. Select Scene Property → Units → and change Scale to .05
  27. Ensure Gltf Addon is enabled
    Edit → Properties → Addons
    Search gltf
    Check to enable addon
  28. Click File → Export → Gltf
  29. On the right side of the export window change the format to “gLTF Binrar (.glb)”
  30. Press the “Export gLTF 2.0” button.